JyotishMaha Charts

Welcome to the largest Jyotish astrology portal in the world!

Here you will find the most popular online astrology software to calculate horoscopes with rich functionality and nice interface.

Consider upgrading your subscription to get more features.

Amber subscription

  • Chart management
  • Chart reports and interpretations
  • Horoscope matching
  • Vargas up to D-60
  • Varshaphal, Prasna, Muhurta
  • 4 Dasas with up to Pratyantardasa
  • Basic Gochara and Panchanga search

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Emerald subscription

Everything in Amber +

  • Transsaturns, Upagrahas
  • Vargas up to D-150 and all Chakras
  • Mathematical rectification technics
  • All Dasas with up to Sookshmadasa
  • Full-featured Gochara, Muhurta, Panchanga search
  • Detailed Ashtakavarga calculation, Shadbala

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Ruby subscription

Everything in Emerald +

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With our software you can...

  • Calculate a horoscope and build a natal chart in the Vedic tradition (Jyotish)
  • Maintain a personal database of horoscopes with a convenient search system supporting various parameters
  • Keep a Jyotish diary to live in harmony with the rhythms of the Universe
  • Find muhurta (a favorable moment for any undertaking, such as a marriage)
  • Rectify the time of your birth using mathematical and descriptive technics built-in in the software
  • Get PDF transcripts of your horoscopes
  • Calculate horoscope matching
  • Conduct research using a horoscope databank of 30k+ charts
  • Get to know yourself and your talents deeper, improve the quality of your life and your relationship with the outside world
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Video overview of the software features


I have been studying Vedic astrology for a long time and have been consulting on astrology for several years. I love the software very much and use it for astrological calculations on my day-to-day basis.

j108.net is simple, straigh-forward and untuitive for both beginners and experienced astrologers. JMC Calculator is a unique software for those who studies Vedic or Indian astorlogy. Here one can find the largest collection of horoscopes in the world, which is especially interestin Read further
Dear friends, for several years to date I have been using the mobile version of the software which you can find on j108.net

This software literally is game-changer. It is very convenient when you always have an assistant like J108 software at hand who will accurately calculate and draw up a person’s birth chart. Here I want to put an stress on the functionality which calculates the auspiciousness of any moment, which is very hellpful when making a decision to start a business, set o Read further
Namaste! I have been a constant user of the software since 2015. At that time it was a small web site with the minimum functionality, it suited the needs for beginners and middle level sstrologers. Time passed and the software as well as the whole project, through the efforts of the passionate team, grew into something more, namely into a serious project, I would say on the best you can ever find in the Web.

Now in J108 there is a huge number of opportunities for astrologers with an Read further

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Applies only for those who have a subscription expiring in the next six months or who does not have one.

Yearly Subscription + Jyotish Diary
US$74 / US$94
US$56 / US$77

Applies only for those who have a subscription expiring in the next six months or who does not have one.

Today is Monday, lord Chandra

Chandra in rasi KanyaNakshatra HastaLunar Month PauαΉ£aSaptami, Krisna Paksa•More info →

Upcoming birthdays

20 January
Lynch, David
79 years
from birthday
21 January
Dior, Christian
120 years
from birthday
21 January
Nicklaus, Jack
85 years
from birthday
22 January
Byron, Lord
237 years
from birthday
23 January
Belushi, John
76 years
from birthday
24 January
Tate, Sharon Marie
82 years
from birthday
25 January
Vysotsky, Vladimir
87 years
from birthday
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