Jyotish Maha Charts

Nakshatra Mula

Mula, the first among the last nine asterisms, consists of a bunch of nine stars, which were seen by the ancients as forming a shape similar to a lion's tail. These nine stars are known in modem astronomy as Lambda-Scorpionis (Shaula), Epsilon-Scorpionis, Mu-l-Scorpionis, Iota-l-Scorpionis, Theta-Scorpionis, Eta-Scorpionis, Zeta-Scorptonis, Kappa-Scorpionis and Upsilon-Scorpionis (Lesath). All of these stars lie in the end portion of the astronomical constellation of Scorpio, but astrologically they form the part of the sign Sagittarius. Their location corresponds to the center of the Milky Way which can be easily seen stretching across like a white river in the night sky. When we look at these stars in the night sky, we are basically looking towards the centre of our galaxy. Shaula and Lesarh, having visual magnitudes of 1.63 and 2.68 respectively, are studded together and form the brightest part of this asterism.

«Mula» translates into «the Root», «the Center» or «the Innermost Core», In our view, nothing really needs to be said about this asterism's nature and functioning after its meaning is revealed. Mula is straight, direct and doesn't like to beat about the bush. However, we nevertheless have no option but to carry on with our dissection of its roots.

Its main symbol is a 'tied bunch of roots'. Both its name and symbol emphasize the word 'roof and this asterism literally relates to the 'root' of everything. The fact that the centre of our galaxy lies in it conveys the same idea. Just like its planetary ruler Ketu, this asterism deals with getting to the bottom/core of everything. In the trees and plants roots are usually hidden, which means that this nakshatra deals with all kinds of hidden things, realms, events, motives, propensities etc. The tied bunch of roots also symbolizes the restrictive aspect of this asterism.

The term 'roof has another meaning in the word Yooted'. This nakshatra also relates to something properly rooted. This gives a strong foundation to the actions of this nakshatra. Its symbol also means collecting or tying up what belongs to one. Ketu, as we know, is the one who stores past karmas and releases the ones ripe enough to be experienced in the present life. It can help one collect the necessary tools from the past, which one requires in fulfilling one's goal in the present life. This is suggested by the symbolism of tied roots. Mula thus helps one put together in a meaningful way one's talents, which have developed in past lives.

Just as a tree's roots penetrate into the unseen realms beneath the earth's surface, Mula has a lot to do with investigation into things unseen or unknown. Along with its counterpart Ardra, (which lies directiy opposite in the zodiac), Mula has the strongest and deepest sense of inquiry amongst all the nakshatras.

In ancient medicinal systems like Ayurveda, roots of various plants are used for medicinal purposes, thus Mula is directly associated with making medicines. In the same way, Mula also relates to the root of diseases, ie. micro-organisms like viruses, bacteria etc. just like everything under Mula's jurisdiction, these micro-organisms are invisible to the naked eye.

Finally, the fact that the roots are tied suggests an idea of constraint and limitation. As a result, Mula often does not allow too much freedom or scattering away of energies and makes one delve deeply within a limited sphere. In fact Mula is the most pinpointed in approach in comparison to the other nakshatras.

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi