
Software features & pricing

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Main advantages at a glance...

Amber subscription

  • Chart management
  • Chart reports and interpretations
  • Horoscope matching
  • Vargas up to D-60
  • Varshaphal, Prasna, Muhurta
  • 4 Dasas with up to Pratyantardasa
  • Basic Gochara and Panchanga search

Show all features

Emerald subscription

Everything in Amber +

  • Transsaturns, Upagrahas
  • Vargas up to D-150 and all Chakras
  • Mathematical rectification technics
  • All Dasas with up to Sookshmadasa
  • Full-featured Gochara, Muhurta, Panchanga search
  • Detailed Ashtakavarga calculation, Shadbala

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Ruby subscription

Everything in Emerald +

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Detailed description

# Feature No subscription Amber subscription Emerald subscription

JMC Calculator

1 Number of horoscope calculations Limited Unlimited Unlimited
2 Horoscope collection management Viewing only Storage (200 charts +), search, import, export Storage (200 charts +), search, import, export
3 «When Lagna changes Rasi?» feature No Yes, except fast navigation Yes
4 Research feature (parametric horoscope search in private collection and in JMC Databank) No No Yes
5 Viewing and downloading interpretations No Only viewing + downloading in PDF file
6 «I am novice in Jyotish» feature Limited functionality Yes Yes
7 Ashtakuta calculation (synastry) No Yes, one varga at a time only Yes, any vargas at a time
8 Varsha Pravesh calculation (Varshaphal, solar return horoscope) No Yes, except Tri-Pataki chakra and Patyayini dasa Yes
9 Tithi Pravesh calculation (luna-solar return horoscope) No Yes Yes
10 Prasna calculation (horary horoscope) No Yes, except «Prasna Helper» tab access Yes
11 Information and chart table Lagna + 9 Grahas + Arudhas + special Lagnas, Maandi/Gulika, Beeja/Kshetra sphutas, Bhrigu Bindu All bodies
12 Yogas «300 important combinations» by B.V. Raman + Tajaka yogas + bhava yogas All yogas
13 Bala Ashtakavarga Bala only + Vaiseshikamsa Bala and Vimshopaka Bala All Bala
14 Ashtakavarga Only Sarvashtaka and Bhinnashtaka + BAV tables and kakshya + shodhya pinda
+ SAV/BAV calculation for all vargas
15 Vargas Vargas up to D-12 only + vargas up to D-60 All vargas
16 Vargas to be shown at the top Max 2 Max 3 Unlimited
17 Chakras No Bhava Chalit and Jaimini only All chakras
18 House system selection for Bhava Chalit chakra No No Yes
19 Avasthas Avasthas by age only + avasthas by mood and by degree of awakening All avasthas
20 Latta calculation No Yes Yes
21 Sade Sati calculation No Yes Yes
22 Rectification techniques No Informal techniques only All techniques (formal + informal)
23 Dasa systems Vimsottari Dasa only + Yogini Dasa, Narayana Dasa and Chara Dasa (K.N. Rao) All Dasa systems
24 Dasa depth calculation Mahadasas only + antardasas and pratyantardasas + sukshmadasas
25 Next/Previous dasa cycle calculation No Yes Yes
26 Simultaneous viewing of several dasas with overlapping events No No Yes
27 Chart design selection (simple or royal) No, simple only Only for desktop For any type of device + individual configuration for each
28 Theme selection (light or dark) No, light only Only for desktop For any type of device + individual configuration for each

JMC Calendar

29 Gochara
What is this and how to use?
Simple overlay of current transits on a natal chart only Yes, except transsaturn planets search Yes
30 Panchanga
What is this and how to use?
Yes, except search engine. Base search: for a month starting from current date, no activity selection, no VTN yoga visibility All features
31 Muhurta
What is this and how to use?
No Yes, expect overall auspiciousness calculation in % and activity selection Yes
32 CSV/Excel export of the table data No No Yes


Monthly subscription (30 days) Free USD 3 USD 5
Yearly subscription (360 days) Free USD 30
(discount 17 %)
USD 50
(discount 17 %)

๐ŸŽ Bonus ๐ŸŽ

When paying for an annual subscription - + 1 muhurta autocalculation
+ 1 rectification autocalculation
+ 3 tokens to use with SIVA Chatbot
+ 3 muhurta autocalculations
+ 3 rectification autocalculations
+ 9 tokens to use with SIVA Chatbot
Tier is best suited for Beginners Mid-level astrologers Professional astrologers
Buy Buy

Ruby subscription

  • Research feature JMC Databank
  • Jyotish Diary for 360 days included
  • 12 automatic muhurta calculations included (equals to auspicious time finding within 12 months)
  • 12 automatic rectification calculations included (equals to 12 horoscope rectifications)
  • Increased bonus for each affiliate in our affiliate program *
  • Unlimited tokens to use with SIVA Chatbox and unlimited dialogs
  • Unlimited chart quota
Price USD 135 p.a.
Note * For everyone who signs up on the project using your affiliate link and buys a subscription for a month, you will receive 3 points; for a yearly subscription — 30 points. Those points can be used to buy subscription (exchange them for promotional codes): 1 point — 1 day subscription. With at least 12 affiliates who pay for their subscription on a regular basis, you will never have to pay for your subscription again. Read more about affiliate program

List of JMC Calculator most popular features

  • Calculation of the positions of ten visible celestial objects of the solar system (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and two lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) accurate to the second of the arc.
  • Elements of Western astrology: Transsaturn planets, fictitious planets, comets.
  • Calculation of Upagrahas: Mandi, Gulika, Kala, Mrityu, Artha-prahara, Yama-Ghantaka and other mathematical points of the horoscope.
  • Calculation of special Lagnas: Hora Lagna, Bhava Lagna, Ghati Lagna, Sri Lagna, Varnada Lagna, Indu Lagna, as well as Pranapada Lagna, Kunda and Bhrigu Bindu.
  • Horoscope visualization in both South and North (diamond) styles.
  • Nine house systems for Bhava Chalit chakra: equal houses, Placidus houses (Krishnamoorthy), Porphyry houses (Sripathi), Koch, Regiomontanus houses, Morinus houses, Campanus houses, Alcabitius houses, Polich/Page houses (topocentric).
  • Horoscope matching and Ashtakuta.
  • Powerful rectification tools.
  • Horoscope management: attach life events and relevant tags.
  • Varsha Pravesh (Varshaphal, solar return chart), Tithi Pravesh (luni-solar return chart), Maasa prevesh, Tajaka bala, Mudda dasha and Tajaka Yogas.
  • Parasara and Jaimini Raja Yoga calculation, Yogadas, Arudhas, Rasi and Graha Drishti highlighting, Argalas.
  • Calculationm of all divisional charts (up to D-150): Hora, Drekkana, Chaturtamsa, Panchamsa, Saptamsa, Sashtamsa, Saptamsa, Ashtamsa, Navamsa, Dashamsa, Rudramsa, Dvadashamsa, Shodashamsa, Vimshamsa, Siddhamsa, Nakshatramsa, Trimshamshamsa, Khaveshamsa, Akshamshamsa, Navanavamsa, Astottaramsa and Nadiamsa.
  • Chakras: Sarvatobhadra, Kalachakra, Surya Kalanala, Chandra Kalanala, Tri-Pataki, Koorma, Shoola, Sani, Dimbha, Sudarsana, Paddhati (Bhrigu).
  • Divisional charts calculation in several variations.
  • Chandra Chakra, Karakamsa Chakra, Swamsa Chakra, Rasi Tulya Navamsa Chakra, Navamsa Tulya Rasi Chakra.
  • Nine dasa systems: Vimshottari dasa, Yogini dasa, Narayana dasa, Chara dasa (according to K.N. Rao), Ashtottari dasa, Lagna Kendradi Rasi dasa, Sri Lagna-Kendradi Rasi dasa (Sudasha), Shoola dasa, Navamsa dasa (according to S. Rath or according to S. Malhotra).
  • Ashtakavarga calculation: Sarvashtakavarga and Bhinnashtakavarga for each planet and Lagna, detailed BAV tables, Kakshya, Shodhana (Ashtakavarga reduction), Graha Pinda, Rasi Pinda, Shodhya Pinda.
  • Stregnth calculation of the planets: Shadbala, Vaisesikamsa Bala and Vimshopaka Bala.
  • Calculation of Avasthas: by age, by mood, by degree of awakening and by type of activity, Lajjitadi Avasthas.
  • Calculation of malicious Drekkanas and Navamsas.
  • Calculation of the specific Graha position and state: Gandanta, Mrityu-Bhaga, Pushkara-Bhaga, Pushkara-Vavamsa, combustion, planetary war (Graha Yuddha).
  • Calculation of Navatara with current transits information.
  • Calculation of Bhava Arudhas.
  • Calculation of Latta.
  • Prasna calculation (Horary chart)
  • Sade-Sati calculation.
  • Calculation of Yogas + complete integration of Yogas given by B.V. Raman in «300 Most Important Combinations».
  • Calculation of transits with a natal chart super positioning.
  • Sahamas calculation.
  • Horoscope export feature: file download or print out. Horoscope public sharing features.
  • Calculation of Vedic and sidereal time.

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