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Amber subscription
- Chart management
- Chart reports and interpretations
- Horoscope matching
- Vargas up to D-60
- Varshaphal, Prasna, Muhurta
- 4 Dasas with up to Pratyantardasa
- Basic Gochara and Panchanga search

Emerald subscription
Everything in Amber +
- Transsaturns, Upagrahas
- Vargas up to D-150 and all Chakras
- Mathematical rectification technics
- All Dasas with up to Sookshmadasa
- Full-featured Gochara, Muhurta, Panchanga search
- Detailed Ashtakavarga calculation, Shadbala

Ruby subscription
Everything in Emerald +
- Research feature JMC Databank
- Jyotish Diary for 360 days included
- Auto calculations for muhurta and rectification
- Increased bonus for each affiliate in our affiliate program
- Unlimited tokens to use with SIVA Chatbot
- Unlimited chart quota