Louis Pasteur. Microbilogy combinations in Jyotish
Microbiology is a science of two major fields: biology and bacteriology. In Vedic astrology Jupiter is a significator for the biology studies whereas bacteriology is ruled by Ketu. Let's see how everything gets together to produce a great scientist. In this article we will go through the horoscope of Louis Pasteur — a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization.

Why Jupiter rules 9th and 12th house of the natural zodiac?
Jupiter in the natural zodiac rules the 9th and 12th house.
The natural zodiac is known as Kalapurusha in Sanskrit — personified time, the manifest part of God, His form, which is available to our perception and comprehension.
Everyone knows that man is created in the likeness of God. Accordingly, just as each house from Lagna in an individual horoscope shows a certain part of the body (head, mouth and neck, arms and shoulders, chest, etc.), so each sign indicates the corresponding part of the body of God.