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Leonardo DiCaprio. A story of success in Rahu and Jupiter Mahadasa

Not many Hollywood actors are as famous and recognized as Leonardo Dicaprio. Although he has got an Academy Award once only, his talent is so great and success of the movies he starred are so tremendeous, that it won't be a mistake to call him one the most successful actors of his generation. He has been nominated for numerous awards throughout his career, including five Academy Award nominations, and he won his first Oscar in 2016 for his performance in "The Revenant". Let's take a look at his horoscope to see what made him so successful and highly recognized.

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The death of Princess Diana in the car accident. Jyotish astrological analysis

Beginning astrologers often make one common mistake — they consider planetary periods in isolation from transits, which is unacceptable. Jyotish is a multi-faceted diamond, where each facet is a piece of a mosaic, and the more such pieces we collect, the deeper the horoscope will reveal itself to us. Using the example of Princess Diana's chart, let's look at how periods (Dasa), transits (Gochara), and solar return chart (Varsha Pravesh or Varshaphala) produced a mix of unfavorable factors that led to her death in a car accident in August 1997.

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Srila Prabhupada's horoscope: Saggitarius or Capricorn?

For many years there have been sharp disputes over which Lagna Srila Prabhupada was born with. Since there's no single source of truth around his time of birth, astrologers and devotees all over the world have been trying to rectify the birth time using Dasas, life events, transits as well as comparing the traits of his character with the results which various lagnas give. Luckily, in the case of Shrila Prabhupada's chart there's just a little uncertainty in the time of birth, which leaves us with just two possible options: Sagittarius or Capricorn Lagna. In this article we will discuss both opinions, so that you are aware of the arguments of both sides of the matter to make your own decision.

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