Forum rules
Dear visitor! We are glad to welcome you to the JMC forum! Please read the rules before posting.
- In order to participate in discussions, you must be a registered and authorized user. Registration is free of charge.
- Before creating a new topic, make sure it is unique. Visit forum search page to check if there are already open discussions on a topic similar to your suggested one.
- Each of your posts can be rated one time by any of the forum members. The total score of all your posts adds up to your reputation.
- Your contribution to development and new suggestions for improving the functionality are welcome! This forum is a proprietary development of the project founder and has some unique features. For example, instead of attaching horoscopes in the form of files or images, you can use the built-in forum mechanism to select horoscopes either from your personal horoscope list or from the public database (Rodden or JMC Databank). You can find more information on how to attach horoscopes to posts in the corresponding forum topic.
When writing messages, please adhere to the following rules:
- Do not engage in insults or personal attacks on other forum members. The publication of caustic, rude, and even more insulting and humiliating messages is regarded as a gross violation of the rules of conduct on the forum (such messages will be edited by the forum moderator and a warning will be issued; if several warnings are accumulated, the forum member will be denied access to writing new messages for up to 30 days).
- Try to keep yourself open to other points of view and remember that people don't have to agree with you on everything.
- Expressing open hostility towards other participants is viewed as extremely annoying behavior, as are defamatory and other discriminatory statements.
- Try not posting if you are in a bad mood. Perhaps later you will regret what you wrote.
- Please do not respond to provocative messages that clearly violate the rules and objectives of the forum. Don't try to resolve the conflict yourself. Instead, it is recommended to write a complaint to the forum moderator. The corresponding buttons are available at the bottom of each post, as well as on the profile pages of all forum members.
- Posts discussing the moderator's policies or the behavior of other forum members are not allowed. In case of disagreement with the actions of the moderator, please write to the forum administrator.
- Do not forget that all these forums are moderated after posting messages in them - the presence of a specific message does not mean that it complies with the rules.
It is prohibited:
- Posting advertisements without the permission of the forum administrator (such messages will be deleted without warning).
- Copying information from some sites and forums to this forum without specifying the source.
- Posting information or links to it that violates copyright.
- Using profanity.
- Posting insignificant messages like +1, as well as messages containing only emojis.
- Using only capital letters when writing topics and messages. Such messages equate to yelling and are annoying behavior.
- Posting messages that do not correspond to the topic and/or do not carry a pronounced semantic load.
- Each forum member bears full responsibility for the information posted on the forum.
- The forum administration reserves the right to delete posts and topics.