Jyotish Maha Charts


Functional benefics Functional malefics Functional neutrals
Buddha Sukra Sani Mangala Guru Surya Chandra

Gemini is the positive sign of Mercury, the mutable sign of air, the shoulders and arms of the Cosmic Man. Their symbol is two twins or a married couple. They indicate energy, the desire for change, communication and interchange, for movement and new inventions. One of the most extroverted signs.

People in whose horoscope Gemini is dominant are nervous, restless and perpetually agitated. Often outwardly attractive, their body and mind are mobile, flexible and adaptable, but these people tend to exhaust themselves to the limit with excessive activity. Their mood is subject to fluctuations; they strive to be in time for everything - therefore they are often superficial. They are gifted with excellent mental powers and brilliant eloquence; they have an excellent command of the language, which makes them good writers, journalists, poets, secretaries and programmers.Gemini is good at working with information and statistics and can successfully engage in research work. However, they tend to theorize. Sometimes Gemini gets carried away by the very process of chasing some idea, and sometimes they get lost in baseless fantasies or anxieties.

In relationships with people, Gemini is no less mobile than in intellectual work. Usually, Geminis marry several times during their lives or maintain relationships with several partners at the same time. However, they should not be overly fond of sex, since their supply of vitality is not as rich as their imagination. Gemini love novelty and change of impressions; they can easily become addicted to TV or computer. They like everything that excites the nervous system or allows them to race through life even faster, but there is a danger here, because overstimulation can make them too irritable and even lead to neurosis. And the dexterity and cunning of Gemini sometimes turn into deceit and unreliability.

People of this type can be indecisive and unable to see things through. Gemini is the most changeable and mobile of all the signs of the Zodiac. They rush forward until they are exhausted. If they turn from the pursuit of worldly knowledge and sensory impressions to the search for inner knowledge, then they will be able to achieve a high level of spirituality, because of all the signs, it is Gemini who has the most subtle and airy energy.

Source: «Astrology Of The Seers» by David Frawley