Jyotish Maha Charts

Nakshatra Aslesha

Ashlesha, the heralder of Mercurial energy, is represented in the night sky by a ring of stars in the constellation of Hydra, known in modern astronomy as Epsilon-Hydrae, Delta-Hydrae, Mu-Hydrae, Rho-Hydrae, Sigma-Hydrae and Zeta-Hydrae. These stars are easily visible in a dark sky from pollution free vantage points even though they are not bright stars, as the brightest among them, Zeta-Hydrae has a visual magnitude of 3.12. In essence the whole of the constellation Hydrae can be seen to be representative of this asterism.

Ashlesha is a term normally associated with serpent imagery and can be translated as «coiling», «clinging», «embracing» or «entwining». As we shall discover, all these terms directly define its nature and functioning. The name is probably derived from the serpent king/god «Shesha».

A 'coiled snake' (please refer to the image) is the main symbol of this asterism. Along with its name, this symbol makes it clear that the essence of Ashlesha lies in the serpent imagery, an imagery which can be found in every surviving ancient civilization.

Most cultures see snakes as secretive, creepy, wily, coldblooded, deceptive, insincere, hypnotic and poisonous creatures. All these qualities find their way into Ashlesha's functioning. On the positive side, serpents are seen as semi-divine creatures with access to other worlds. They are supposed to nave great primordial powers of insight, intuition, perception, wisdom, cunning, concentration and sexuality.

Ashlesha, when functioning through its higher aspect, displays these qualities. In the present times when the worst side of everything is on display, one can usually expect only the forementioned negative qualities to predominate.

Brain researchers have now been able to locate the most ancient part of the brain. It is known as the'R'complex.'R' here stands for 'reptilian'. All the above-mentioned instinctual, negative qualities have been ascribed to this part of the brain. Thus, a clear, tangible relation between reptiles, serpents and these types of human qualities is established.

It is interesting to note that DNA, the building block of our genetic code has a helical, coiled serpent shape. Thus Ashlesha has a lot to do with genetic heritage, the karma we have brought from previous lives and the scope of changes we are allowed to make in the present one.

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi