Jyotish Maha Charts

Nakshatra Rohini

Rohini, the seed of lunar energy, is represented in the celestial firmament by a very bright pale rose star in the constellation of Taurus. This star is known in modern astronomy as Alpha-Tauri (Aldebaran). Aldebaran is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, with a visual magnitude of 0.99. In fact this unique pale rose star can even be spotted in the evening sky. The ancient vedic seers revered this star because this was supposed to be the abode of Brahma and the Prajapatis.

«Rohini» translates into — the «Reddish One» or the «Growing One». The «one» here carries a feminine tone and can be read as «celestial woman». The colour 'Red' evokes notions of warmth, passion and liveliness. The fact that in ancient cultures it was seen as the colour of abundance and prosperity, reveals some of the essential characteristics of Rohini. Its alternative names — Vidhlawu Viranchi, a name which relates to Brahma (the Creator among the Trinity) — reveal more sides of this fascinating nakshatra.

Rohini's main symbol is an Ox-Cart pulled by Two Oxen. Oxen have been used as fertility symbols by all ancient cultures. Even Taurus, the sign representing 'bounties of the earth', has a bull, ox or cow as its symbol. In countries like India, where Vedic civilization flourished, an ox cart was one of the only ways to transport various earth produces like crops over large distances. They serve the same function which trucks serve in the present day and age.

Just as the ox-cart carries the harvested and ready to use produce, Rohini is supposed to be the carrier of all the fruits of creation. Its relationship with the ox cart immediately suggests that it has a lot to do with all aspects of agriculture, cattle rearing and all other activities involving material produce. The «carrier» aspect of the ox-cart relates Rohini to all kinds of conveyances. An ox-cart is a very earthy symbol and as a matter of fact, Rohini is the most materialistic amongst the nakshatras. In ancient times ox-carts were the «wheels of commerce». Thus in the present day and age, Rohini relates to all kinds of commerce and financial dealings.

All the qualities normally associated with oxen like steadiness, fixidity and ability to romp over anything which comes in its way, find expression through Rohini. As a result of the ox cart symbolism, Rohini relates to the 'development of agriculture' and therefore 'civilization' itself. All the qualities normally ascribed to the sign Taurus such as — earthiness, fixidity, stability, creativity, productivity, material security, acquisitiveness, refinement, accumulating, luxury loving, indulgence, idealism in love, beauty and relationships — are mostly derived from Rohini's essential qualities.

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi