Jyotish Maha Charts

Nakshatra Purva Shadha

Purvashadha, the pinnacle of Venusian energy, is represented in the celestial firmament by three bright stars, known in modern astronomy as Epsilon-Sagittarii (Kaus Australis), Delta-Sagittarii (Kaus Media) and Epsilon-Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis). All of these stars lie in a line (with a slight deviation) in the middle portion of the constellation Sagittarius. These stars can be spotted easily, as they are located close to the Milky Way as it stretches like a white celestial river across the night sky. Kaus Australis, having a visual magnitude of 1.81, is the brightest among these stars. Ancient Vedic seers saw these stars as forming the shape of a hand held fan.

«Purvashadha» translates into «the Former Invincible One» or the «Former Unconquered». Its name, like its successor, concentrates on the bask; attribute of this asterism — invincibility.

The alternative name for Purvashadha is «Aparajita», which translates into «undefeated». We can see that this name goes along the same lines as the more commonly used name.

In congruence with the shape formed by its stars, a «hand held fan' is the most famous symbol of this asterism. A fan can have four uses: 1. As a decorative item popular in Japanese/Oriental cultures. 2. To cool oneself down in hot conditions. 3. To fan up a fire. 4. As a mask to hide oneself.

Its first use relates to the showy, glitzy and glamourous Venusian aspect of this nakshatra. In the ancient Orient, the type of fan one carried was directly related to social status. This conveys the superiority aspect of this nakshatra. It finds itself superior in comparison to all nakshatras before it, especially the earlier Venusian ones. The superiority of perfection achieved in the Venusian realm will however depend on the soul level of the native in question.

The second use corresponds to this nakshatra's ability to get through hard times. Fanning is essentially an act of aggression against heat. Thus this nakshatra is often associated with all kinds of aggressive activities. It is patient in adversity and aggressive whenever the opportunity arises.

The third use corresponds to this nakshatra's ability to keep a thing going. In its negative aspect this may manifest as exaggeration or over expansion. In its positive aspect it is an inspiring energy whichjcnows how to keep the fire burning. As a result it is a very expressive and expansive nakshatra.

The fourth use relates to this nakshatra's ability to conceal facts, informations, feelings, personality etc. It is in a way a shy and sensitive nakshatra, which likes to conceal its enthusiasm and bubbliness from the outside world as much as possible. Only after some initial reluctance and when it begins to gain confidence does it show its true colours.

A 'winnowing basket used for ridding grain of husks', is an alternative symbol, which more or less conveys the above mentioned meanings for a winnowing fan. This symbol brings out the aspect of this nakshatra related to uncovering hidden talents. This nakshatra is capable of shedding outer, unnecessary obstacles in order to bring out the useful part inside. This may relate to people, places or things.

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi