Jyotish Maha Charts

Nakshatra Bharani

Bharani, the heralder of Venusian energy, is represented in the celestial firmament by a group of three faint stars forming a triangle in the constellation of Aries. The ancient vedic seers saw these stars as forming the female sexual organ. These stars are known in modern astronomy as 35-Arietes, 39-Arietes and 41-Arietes. 41-Arietes is the brightest among the three, with a visual magnitude of 3.62, which explains the faintness of the stars of this asterism. It is only through being privy to some direct universal (galactic, in this case) knowledge, that the ancient seers were able to attach such importance to these relatively faint group of stars. In order to locate these stars in the night sky, one has to focus in the region between the bright star Alpha-Arietes (belonging to the previous asterism, Ashvini) and the bright group of stars of Pleiades star cluster (belonging to the next asterism, Krittika). It is easier to locate 41-Arietes,while the other two can be seen lying in a straight line on its right hand side.

«Bharani» can be roughly translated into either «Bearing» or «She who Bears». It must be noted, however, that it doesn't necessarily mean bearing a child as in the case of pregnancy, even though we would discover later how this asterism is directly related to the womb. The name, which conveys a major part of this asterism's energy, relates primarily to the feminine side of nature and its capacity to receive, hold, nurture and destroy.

The main symbol of this asterism is a «vagina», the female sexual organ. In effect all the female reproductive organs can be seen as the symbols of this nakshatra. In all ancient cultures these organs as symbols were seen to represent the fertility aspect of nature. In the Egyptian civilization, the vagina is symbolically represented as the Buckle or Isis is seen as the doorway between different worlds. The Vedic point of view also ascribes birth, death, transformation and regeneration to the feminine reproductive symbols. They are ateo seen to represent restraint, caution, jealousy, secrecy, forebearance, struggle, sacrifice, cartharsis, sexuality, nurturing and maternal love. Bharani therefore carries all the above mentioned attributes.

Since a soul finds its entry from the astral plane to the physical world of the living through the female sex organ, it is not very hard to see the ^doorway' connotation associated with this symbolism. As we shall discover later, Yama, the lord of death and one of the eight door keepers between the physical and the other worlds, is the ruling deity of this nakshatra. The womb as we know carries the new life in the form of a foetus for several months, before it finally finds itself manifested in the world. In the same way, Bharani allows things to brew on subtle planes, before they suddenly take outer material forms. In the case of childbirths, it is usually very hard to predict which day the water Is going to break. The same is the case with revolutions, which usually brew within the hearts and minds of people for a while before suddenly erupting. The same is applicable to death as well. This makes Bharani an unpredictable nakshatra, which operates in hidden ways and revels in secrecy.

A «boat» is the alternative symbol of this nakshatra. It again symbolizes transportation between different planes and realms of existence. Bharani is thus a nakshatra directly related to the process of birth, death and regeneration, at least on the earthly plane of existence.

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi