Jyotish Maha Charts

Nakshatra Anuradha

Anuradha consists of three stars in a row, which were seen by the ancients as forming a shape similar to a staff. These three stars are known in modem astronomy as Beta-Scorpionis (Acrab), Delta-Scorpionis (Isidis) and Pi-Scorpionis. All of these stars lie in the beginning of the zodiacal constellation of Scorpio. Beta-scorpionis is the brightest among these stars with a visual magnitude of 2.62. All of these stars can be easily spotted in the dark night sky from the countryside, if one locates the bright star Antares in the constellation of Scorpio, close to the white stretch of the milkyway. These three stars lie directly above this bright star in a staff like formation (very close to a straight line).

«Anuradha» translates simply into «Another Radha» or «After Radha». Its alternative meaning is «Subsequent Success». This name, as we can see, has its root in the fact that it follows the asterism Radha (Vishakha). Even though it is not apparent straightaway, the often ignored fact is that these two asterisms (Vishakha and Anuradha) form a pair in the same way as Purvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni.

A 'staff', the main symbol of this asterism, is directly derived from the shape ancient Vedic seers ascribed to its constituent stars. The staff has always been seen as a symbol of power and protection. In the puranic lore most of the exalted sages carry a staff. It is in fact the only weapon that they carry, but it is usually more than enough as it carnes within itself all thepower of their penance.

The readers can refer to the puranic story of Vishwamitra challenging Sage Vashsshta, where all of Vishwamitra's weapons including the Brahmastra (similar to a nuclear missile) were useless against Vashishta's staff. These sages never used a staff for offensive purposes. It is only used for self-defence. It typifies wisdom and learning and thus can only act in congruence with the Universal mind. This nakshatra relates to learning and the retention oneaming. It also relates to one's relationship with the Universal force. The stronger the contact, the more powerful the effect of this nakshatra becomes.

A 'lotus' is another symbol ascribed by scholars and sages to this nakshatra. Since ancient times, the qualities of purity, auspiciousness, knowledge and enlightenment have been associated with the lotus. In fact SaraswaU, the goddess of learning and Laxmi, the goddess of prosperity, are often depicted as sitting atop a lotus.

A lotus has the ability to grow in muddy waters. This represents the ability of this nakshatra to keep itself pure and sattwic in any surroundings. It also signifies the attainment of knowledge through the muddy puddles of mentajjntellectual and emotional confusion.

A 'triumphant gateway adorned with leaves' is another alternative symbol of this nakshatra. The readers will remember that the preceding asterism, Vishakha, also has this as its main symbol, As we mentioned earlier, Vishakha is a sort of a ally or co-worker of Anuradha. Just like Vishakha, Anuraatiaajso represents victory.

It is also a goal centred nakshatra in much the same way as Its ally, but its goals are usually more in tune with universal plan. It also likes to attain its goals through group work rather than going it ajone. This is probably the reason why Anuradha attains its goals more smoothly and effortlessly, in comparison to Vishakha. Vishakha is often reluctant to take help or cooperate with allies. In my experience, I have seen that Vishakha, more often than not, needs allies to attain its goals. In most cases this ally is Anuradha.

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi

Source: «The Book of Nakshatras» by Prash Trivedi