Jyotish Maha Charts

Rahu in 8 bhava

If Rahu is in the 8th house, the person's happiness is spoiled. There will be a lack of domestic harmony, and family life suffers. Thus, there may be separation from the spouse or family. With this placement it is especially Important to note whether Rahu is in the sign of a friend or in Jupiter's signs Sagittarius, and Pisces. For in these signs it will give fairly good results regarding longevity and other 8th house affairs. Rahu in the 8th generally gives a spiritual influence but limits one's ability to achieve worldly benefits. The person may gain little wealth from his spouse and may experience difficulties involving joint finances. In the beneficial signs mentioned, Rahu gives strong sexual attractiveness. If placed in an inimical sign, there may be reproductive ailments and other long-term illnesses.

UCHCHA (exalted). If Rahu is In Gemini or Virgo in the 8th house (or stationary direct or in forward motion), the person will be attractive as a sex symbol and live to a ripe old age. He will greatiy benefit from his partner's wealth and achieve a good deal of worldly success. The person will have great intuition and may be interested in occult subjects. He will have a strong sexual system and be protected from chronic illnesses.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha