Jyotish Maha Charts

Rahu in 7 bhava

If Rahu is in the 7th house there will be disturbances in married life. Domestic harmony is greatly lacking, and there will constantly arise issues with the spouse to be dealt with. The person will have compulsive and insatiable desires to be in relationship. The marriage partner may be powerful, domineering, or worldly and of a strong desire nature. Ancient Hindu scriptures assert that unless Rahu is beneficially aspected, the person will lose his first wife and then remarry.

UCHCHA (exalted). If Rahu is in Gemini or Virgo in the 7th house (or stationary direct or in forward motion), married life is disturbed as described above. However, the spouse will be extremely powerful, wealthy, worldly, or spiritual.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha