Jyotish Maha Charts

Sani in 7 bhava

If Saturn is in the 7th house, relationships and married life decidedly suffer. Also, there are a good many hardships throughout life. Saturn in any kendra gives many major ups and downs in life, but this position is more difficult than the other angles, as Saturn will aspect such crucial houses as the 1st, 4th, and 9th. These houses govern mother, happiness, education, father, luck and fortune, religion, health, recognition, and general well-being, to name but a few significations. Oddly. Saturn gets dik bala, or directional strength, in this house making it the best and most powerful placement for the planet. Therefore Saturn, by this source of strength, is quite strong and;capable of giving great benefits regarding its own significations. Hence the person will be mature, disciplined, spiritual, and long-lived. He may, however, be poor, unrecognized, lacking in confidence, and forced to endure much hardship. He may marry later in life than is usual, and the partner may be much older. There is a very strong chance of more than one marriage, and married life itself is quite difficult. The person may be rather unloved in the domestic sphere and is subject to being victimized, treated unfairly, or abandoned by the spouse. Unless Saturn is well placed by sign, aspects, or house rulership, the partner is likely to be thin, poor, miserable, or forced to lead a life of hardship. There will also be problems in business partnerships. Hindu scriptures assert that the person with this placement will be immoral regarding sex. will hire prostitutes, and will engage in sexual perversions such as kissing someone's private parts. A strong indulgence in sexual activity is therefore common, and if Saturn is aspected by malefics, homosexuality may result. Saturn in the 7th denotes residence in a foreign land, and the person easily achieves distinction and honors in that country.

UCHCHA and SWAKSHETRA (exalted and own sign). If Saturn is in Libra, Capricorn, or Aquarius in the 7th house, the results will be similar to what has been given above, except that the marriage partner will be wealthy, powerful, prosperous, and talented. The spouse may also be mature and spiritual. Marriage may be more stable, but major problems are still indicated. The person will live a very long life. The significations of Saturn will flourish, and the person may be a leader or authority figure.

NEECHA (fallen). If Saturn is in Aries in the 7th house, the person will suffer greatly in his marriage or never obtain a spouse at all. He may marry someone who is sick or who becomes paralyzed. The partner may be a great deal older than himself and have to endure terrible suffering or die early. Longevity is greatly decreased, and life itself is filled with hardship. The person may be very lonely. Sexual passions may be intense.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha