Jyotish Maha Charts

Sani in 1 bhava

If Saturn is in the 1st house, it is crucial to consider sign placements and aspects. As a first-rate malefic, Saturn in this position gives health problems, losses, delays, poverty, lack of honor or fame, miseries, and many ups and downs in the life. However, if it is well placed or well aspected, the person becomes a leader or politician of very high status. Saturn rules longevity, but astrologers and Hindu scriptures are at odds about Saturn in the ascendant on this matter. All agree that Saturn is well placed in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, and the signs ruled by Jupiter-Sagittarius and Pisces. These placements give a very long life. For other placements, Satum gives its typical malefic effects, and good or bad aspects will make the difference between a short or long life. Other effects of Saturn in the 1 st are that the person will likely be thin and have some sort of physical ailment involving the bones. Married life is harmed by Saturn's aspect on the 7th house. Saturn causes stagnation, and the person may be rather inactive. The person is also slow, serious, disciplined, and mature. Saturn is the farthest planet used in Hindu astrology and gives excellent spiritual effects regarding non-attachment. The person will be of an ascetic nature, caring little for worldly desires. Unless Satum is well placed in one of the signs already mentioned, there will be little ambition for any kind of recognition. Responsibility, humility, and strong morals will be a trademark of this person. As the 1 st house rules birth, there may have been difficulties in the birth experience. The person may have been born a caesarean birth, his mother may have had a very long labor, or there may have been other complications. The intensity of such problems depends upon how close Saturn is to the degree of the ascendant.

UCHCHA and SWAKSHETRA (exalted and own house). If Saturn is in Libra, Capricorn, or Aquarius in the ascendant, the person will be a leader and obtain a very high status. He will be wealthy, intelligent, and virtuous. He will perform good deeds and live a long life. He will be extremely humble. The person will have been born into a wealthy family and has had a good start in life.

NEECHA (fallen). If Saturn is in Aries in the 1st house, the person, is sickly and has no vitality or ambition, and his longevity is decreased. n The person is born into a lowly family and has had a bad start In life. He will be unhappy. There is frustration and depression about his low position in life. The body is emaciated, and the person cares little about his appearance. There is a strong possibility that the body is deformed in some way. There is a terrible self-image and married life greatly suffers.

Saturn gives its full effects in the 36th year. Unless it is well placed or well aspected, there will be problems relating to 1st house affairs at that time.

Since Saturn Is exalted in Libra, it is also well placed in Taurus — the other sign ruled by Venus.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha