Jyotish Maha Charts

Sukra in 4 bhava

This is the best position for Venus, as it gets dik bala, or directional strength, in the 4th house. If Venus is in the 4th, the person will be happy and content. He will be kind, tender-hearted, and capable of forgiving anyone. He will be close to his mother and will benefit from her. The mother will be beautiful, happy, and long-lived. The person will own nice homes and conveyances. He will enjoy many luxuries and comforts. He will be diplomatic and well liked by everyone. He will gain maternal or ancestral wealth or property. Endings will be smooth, and the close of life is happy. The person will have a good education and obtain a fine degree. He will be fond of the arts, beautiful objects, and pretty females. He will be passionate about life.

UCHCHA and SWAKSHETRA (exalted and own house). If Venus is in Pisces, Taurus, or Libra in the 4th house, the benefits given above are heightened. The person will be extremely fortunate. His mother will be virtuous, very special, or famous. The person will be respected and adored by all. His happiness and contentment is unshakable. He will have a fine education and earn a prestigious degree. He will be wealthy and own all kinds of luxuries. The person will own plenty of land, buildings, and other fixed assets. He will have the best cars, boats, or planes.

NEECHA (fallen). If Venus is in Virgo in the 4th house, the person will suffer on account of his mother. He will also be dissatisfied and unhappy. The mother will be weak, lead a life of hardship, and may die early. The person will not own his own house, and he will have car problems. He will own few fixed assets and will at different intervals in his life lose or sell them off. He will have few luxuries and comforts. He will have an interrupted education and difficulties obtaining a degree.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha