Jyotish Maha Charts

Buddha in 2 bhava

Mercury in the 2nd house, if unafflicted, is in a fine position for intellectual and oratorical activities. The person will be learned and knowledgeable, and have a fine education. He will be wealthy and earn money through the use of his intellect. He will be an excellent speaker and may choose a career in education or lecturing. There is also an interest in poetry. The person will speak softly and sweetiy. Others will enjoy listening to him. He has a clever imagination and is witty. Family life is happy, and the person eats good foods. He may be well versed in religious scriptures and foreign languages. If Mercury Is afflicted in this house, there is a strong chance of a speech defect.

UCHCHA and SWAKSHETRA (exalted and own house). If Mercury is In Gemini or Virgo in the 2nd house, the benefits given above are heightened. The person will be rich. He will achieve distinction or obtain a high position in the field of education. He may be a renowned scientist, mathematician, astrologer, or writer. He is an inspiring, imaginative, and brilliant lecturer. He may also have a youthful-looking face.

NEECHA (fallen). If Mercury is in Pisces in the 2nd house, the person will be poor. He will have a bad education and a dull imagination. He will have a speech problem or difficulties with pronunciation. He eats bad foods and may be lacking in confidence. There may be diseases of the face, mouth, teeth, or right eye. Family life is disturbed or frenetic.

Mercury gives its full effects in the 32nd year. At that time there will be a rise in wealth, educational status, or other 2nd house affairs.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha