Jyotish Maha Charts

Ketu in 1 bhava

If Ketu is in the 1st house, it is bad for married life. There will be constant ups and downs and no domestic peacefulness. The spouse may be domineering or manipulative. The person is intuitive and of a spiritual or ascetic nature. There is a powerful discriminative ability. The person will be interested in attaining enlightenment or final liberation. There will be an interest in occult subjects. Ketu gives a weak constitution and health problems. There is a danger of poisons or eating contaminated foods. Ketu in the ascendant makes the person go unnoticed. He may be shy and, in a way, invisible to others. Morals are lacking and the person may be deceitful. The person is changeable, and there are many facets to the personality. There may be a compulsive lack of confidence.

UCHCHA (exalted). If Ketu is in Virgo or Gemini in the 1st house (or stationary direct or in forward motion), the person will be psychic. He will be spiritual and established on the path of enlightenment. His intelligence is profound due to a remarkable ability to discriminate in all matters. He easily sees through appearances. He is non-attached and ascetic by nature. The person is adaptable and flexible. He will be well respected but care little for such matters. Married life will suffer in the same manner as described above.

NEECHA (fallen). There is no agreed-upon fallen position for Ketu, but it is poorly placed in Cancer or Leo, as it is an enemy of the Sun and Moon. In either of these positions, the negative effects already mentioned above are heightened.

Ketu gives its full effects in the 48th year. At that time there may be health problems or marriage difficulties. The person may also reach a higher spiritual stage and experience greater detachment from worldly affairs. There may also be pronounced spiritual, mystical, or psychic experiences.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha