Jyotish Maha Charts

Chandra in 10 bhava

WAXING MOON. If the waxing Moon is in the 10th house, the person is very fortunate, as the significations of both the Moon and the 10th house flourish. There will be achievement and success very early on in the person's professional life. The person may enjoy a fine reputation or even fame in his childhood or teens. Careers may change throughout the person's life but will nearly always be related to activities benefiting or serving the masses. And the activities will always succeed. This is a common placement of artists and performers. The person intuitively senses how to please groups of people, and he caters to their emotions and feelings. He has a great ability to inspire or incite the public. He is highly intelligent, virtuous, and interested In performing good deeds. He also gains a very good amount of wealth in his career. Associations with the mother and females are greatly favored, and therefore in a man's horoscope married life Is smooth and enjoyable. Wherever the Moon is placed in a horoscope is an area of great interest and vitality, and in this case the person loves his profession and may spend an inordinate amount of time in his work. This position also benefits one's academic life, and if the Moon is aspected by a benefic, the person will be quite brilliant. The person's mother will be long-lived, powerful, and may be career-minded or a public figure. The aspect of a bright Moon on the 4th house enhances the entire horoscope as the significations of education, mother, happiness, fixed assets, and conveyances are all favored. As with any prominent placement of the Moon, the person is kind and warmhearted.

WANING MOON. If the Moon is waning in the 10th house, the person is still extremely career-minded, but the prospect of fame and success is considerably lessened unless the rest of the horoscope is very special. The person may be overly concerned with his status and how he is perceived by others around him. He may change careers too many times to enjoy any kind of stability in his professional life. There may occasionally be difficulties and setbacks in his career. Although the person desires to be his own boss, he will have to be patient and work very hard to achieve this goal.

UCHCHA and SWAKSHETRA (exalted and own house). If the Moon is in Taurus or Cancer in the 10th house, the benefits described above are magnified. The person may become quite famous with the public and enjoy a dedicated following. He will especially be adored by females. He will be brilliant and extremely successful. He will have a fine relationship with his mother, who may be fortunate and long-lived. The person is sensitive to the cares and needs of the masses and may wish to serve them through movements of reform or in any way he can. He may feel he has the most extraordinary purpose in life. His greatest interest is to perform good deeds for society. He will be loved and respected, and will gain wealth and live a fortunate life. If the Moon is waning, the benefits are proportionately lessened but still quite positive.

NEECHA (fallen). If the Moon is in Scorpio in the 10th house, the person will have a terrible time trying to find his proper dharma. He will often fail in his undertakings and will constancy change careers. He may never succeed in obtaining his own business. He will be overlooked by his superiors or superseded by his juniors at work. The person is powerless to perform beneficial acts for society. He will not go on holy pilgrimages.

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha

Source: «Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer» by James Braha